
Rayfront 1.0 User Manual

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Extra Render Settings

This dialog modifies settings that influence special aspects of a simulation.

[Extra Render Settings Dialog]

Global Mist Settings

If any objects in the scene are modeled to represent participating media and are assigned a mist type material, then the following settings will control the bahaviour of those objects that are not explicitly set in their material definition.

Medium Color Extinction
If activated, the global medium extinction coefficient will be set to the indicated color, in units of 1/distance (distance in world coordinates). Light will be scattered or absorbed over distance according to this value.

Medium Color Albedo
If activated, the global medium albedo is set to the indicated color. A zero [0, 0, 0] value means that all light not transmitted by the medium is absorbed. A unitary [1, 1, 1] value means that all light not transmitted by the medium is scattered in some new direction.

Medium Excentricity
If activated, the medium Heyney-Greenstein excentricity parameter is set to the indicated value. This parameter determines how strongly scattering favors the forward direction. A value of 0 indicates perfectly isotropic scattering. As this parameter approaches 1, scattering tends to prefer the forward direction.

Medium Sampling Distance
If activated, the medium sampling distance is set to the indicated value, in world coordinate units. During source scattering, this will be the average distance between adjacent samples. A value of 0 means that only one sample will be taken per light source within a given scattering volume.

Automatic Logging

For every simulation, a log file will be created, that receives information about the progress of the simulation, or in case of failure, some indication about it's reason. The following settings control some aspects of this logging.

Log Status every # of Minutes (0 for never)
A simulation will write status messages to its logfile during the main processing (not during octree or secondary sources generation). This setting controls the interval in which those messages are created. If the value is set to 0 (or left empty), then no progress messages will be written.

Include Oconv Warnings in Logfile
If activated, the log file will contain warnings issued during octree generation. The most prominent of those warnings is issued when non planar polygons are encountered.

Include Render Warnings in Logfile
If activated, the log file will contain warnings issued during the rendering stage of the simulation.

Include Mkillum Warnings in Logfile
If activated, the log file will contain warnings issued during the secondary source generation stage of the simulation.

Image Settings

When rendering images in medium or high quality, Radiance will first create an image that is two or three times bigger than the target size. This image is then filtered down to get a smoother, antialiased result.

Keep raw image file around after filtering
If this option is set, then the intermediate file will not be removed after filtering, but is just renamed after the pattern images/<variation>_<view>.raw.


Ok - use the entered values and close the dialog.

Cancel - discard the entered values and close the dialog.

Revert - discard the entered values and reset all fields to the values they had when the dialog opened.

Help... - display this information.


User Manual Overview
     The Simulation Control Center
         Project Variation Settings

Set Preprocess Settings
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