Rayfront is a platform independent graphical
user interface to the lighting simulation software
It can be run as an Autocad extension, together with the
3Dsolar building modeller,
or as a standalone program.
Rayfront works with the following hard- and software:
x86 - WindowsNT/2000 and later
x86 - Linux 2.2
Sparc - Solaris 2 standalone
Mips - Irix 6 standalone
You can also use Rayfront together with many other CAD and modelling programs, as it reads all DXF files, and translators for a large number of other data formats are included. Just select the free or commercial geometry modeler of your preference, and there will be a way to use it's output data with Rayfront.
There are many reasons why you might consider our software. Let's just look at a few:
Realism: Have you ever wondered why most other visualization software produces so synthetic looking images?
Prediction: Did you ever want to reliably know how your architectural design looks at night? In full sunshine? At dawn?
Verification: Would you have liked to substantiate this knowledge with hard figures?
Scalability: Did you ever simulate a huge project with radiosity based software, and ran up against its scene size limits?
Useability: Have you ever tryed to work with Radiance, and given up after some time, frustrated over it's complexity?
With Rayfront, all those issues are solved!
Rayfront combines the power of the most elaborate lighting simulation and rendering engine with several years of practical use in lighting design in one of the largest consulting engineering offices in Germany.
The development of our software benefits from the expertise of many well respected experts working in educational institutions and in the industry all around the world, which helped to test and improve Rayfront.