Munich "Bierseidel" Go Tournament

Tournament Info

Tourament weekend

We play Saturday, October 19. and Sunday, October 20. 2024 .


  • Registration deadline: Saturday, 12:30.
  • 1. round: Saturday, 13:00 h
  • 2. round: Saturday, 16:00 h (approximately)
  • 3. round: Saturday, 19:00 h (approximately)
  • 4. round: Sunday, 10:00 h
  • 5. round: Sunday, 13:00 h (approximately)


  • This is a rating tournament.
  • The pairing system is MacMahon.
  • Basic time is 60 minutes.
  • Komi is 7 (we love Jigo!)
  • Progressive byo-yomi, starting with 5/15, 5/20, 5/25, etc. (minutes/stones)


  • EUR 20.-- Maximum fee

    reduced by:
  • - EUR 2.50 for members
  • - EUR 2.50 for unemployed/students/handicapped/retired
  • - EUR 2.50 for players rated 10 kyu or weaker
  • - EUR 2.50 for players below 18 years
  • - EUR 2.50 for players living abroad
  • - EUR 2.50 when registered up to and including October 06. 2024

Participation is free for players below 14 years.

The Tournament site is the Kultur- und Bürgerhaus Pelkovenschlössl.


  • Online Registration (preferred!):
    Fill in the Online Registration Form as completely as possible and hit the "Register for Tournament" button.

  • Registration by e-mail:
    Send e-mail to bierseidel@schorsch.com It should contain your name, KGS-handle(!), rank, city, day of arrival, and how many nights of accomodation you need.

  • Registration by phone:
    Call +49-163-3712267 to reach Georg Mischler.

E-mail or online registration preferred.


How to get there


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