Munich "Bierseidel" Go Tournament

Privacy Policy of the "Bierseidel" Go Tournament

The organizers of this tournament are commited to protect the private data that we receive from you, and to prevent its abuse. This policy discloses what kind of data we may collect, and what we do and don't do with it. This policy is binding for the tournament management and all individuals entrusted with a support role during the tournament.

Web Site Privacy Policy

For information on how we protect your data while you visit this web site, please check the www.schorsch.com privacy policy.

Contact Information

When you register in advance, it is recommended that you give us some contact information, usually a phone number and/or e-mail address. We will never give your contact information to any third party unless required to do so by law. We may use this information if we need to contact you, eg. in the unlikely event that there would be major changes to the tournament schedule, in case we have any questions about your registration or arrival, or to coordinate accommodations.


The fact of your pre-registration will be treated as private, up to the time of your final registration on site. After that, the rules of the section Public Event apply.

Public Event

The tournament itself is a public event without any access restrictions. Consequently, the fact of your participation, as well as the results of your games, must be considered public knowledge, starting with the time of your final registration. They can and will be published, both on the results pages on the tournament web pages and elsewhere. The information published may include your name, city of residence (or go club), go rank, and the results of all your games played in the tournament.

By participating in the tournament, you implicitly agree with such public exposure.

European Go Database

The game results of all tournament games will be transmitted to the European Go Federation (EGF), which publishes them at www.europeangodatabase.eu. The EGF also uses this information to determine your playing strength, and to assign you an ELO-type rating. It publishes a full history of all participating tournaments where you played, and how your rating developed over time.

We will also use your registration information to consult the European Go Database in order to determine your current rating, in the case where you are listed there.

Related information outside of the scope of our privacy policy

Both participants and organizers, as well as members of the press, may take photographs or videos at the tournament and later publish those. There are chances that you will be visible and recognizable in such published pictures. The form and extent of such image based reporting is regulated by personality and press laws.

Recordings of tournament games (eg. as handwritten "Kifu" or as SGF file) have a legal status as "reporting of fact". They thus fall outside the scope of copyright and privacy laws.


Tournament Info

How to get there


What is Go?

The City of Munich

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Privacy Policy

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